Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Warpwolf Stalker & NMM

Did some work on the WW Stalker.. my first ever attempt at NMM technique (non-metallic metal), which i used on the sword.  You can see on his armor i just went w/ regular metallic paints.  After seeing this picture, i've gone back and cleaned up the lower, shaded area of the blade and made the blend much smoother.

The blade is just black and white with various mixes to get the varying grays.  The gold detail work is a various mix of brown, orange, yellow, and white.  No science on this one, i just mixed to what felt like the right color to get the blend.

Pretty happy with how it came out for a first attempt at the technique.  I've seen tons of posts asking about how to do it, so i learned from their mistakes  Grin.  I'm not super thrilled on the silver part of the sword, but don't really feel like redoing it and its good enough for table-top lol