Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Big consolidated update

Got the Gnarlhorn Satyr fixed so he doesn't fall over and can actually get base-to-base with shit.  Also got him primed and the base's first coat on.  Ignore the white spots.. i didn't feel like tinting my gesso and i needed to touch up a few spots my spray missed or spots that will get handled alot (don't want it rubbing off to the metal).

Kromac the Ravenous!!
Got beast form Kromac all assembled and greenstuff'd.  Here he is in all his glory, ready for primer:

His arms my look a little unnaturally twisted back in that frontal angle, but that's because i have the front of his base propped up so you can see it better.  I'm contemplating basing him with a hacked up trooper, his front foot planted on top the decapitated body; the head in an empty spot on the base, and using a trick where you mix a certain glue/epoxy with gory colored paints to get a stringy gore effect to put on one of his axes with some gore dripping off.  I'll have to see if i can get a convincing effect with the stuff i have, otherwise i'll forgo that idea and just grass/flock him.

Pureblood Warpwolf progress:
Sculpted one of his missing spikes, got one more on the front to do.. these are bitch btw... having a hell of a time getting them for some reason.  Not too happy about how this one ended up, but its better than my previous attempts and i'm tired of fkin with them! lol

Furry banana hammock finished up!

All that's left on him is to sculpt his last spike and prime him.  I have his base pretty much done, which just has a rock made of cork for his front arm to be braced against, like he's climbed up to howl at the moon  8)

Right now i'm at a dilemma with 2 figs nicely painted figs i got used for dirt cheap (almost 75% off msrp).. paint over the spots that don't match my color scheme or strip them clean and start from scratch.. Kromac and a Blackclad Wayfarer:

Kromac looks pretty badass, i would just have to paint over all the gold and green, changing them to silver and blue.. problem is the greens are in some tricky spots and i'd probably fawk up other areas.. the blackclad is pretty close to what i want to paint him colorwise, except for the gold needs to be silver and he's lacking almost any highlighting, so i'd have to go over most of the model and do that.

Other updates.. I have 2 sets of Shifting stones almost done (just need to redo their glow effect to blue) and I have my bloodtrackers (10) all primed and ready for paint. Krueger is still just sitting on my table primed ready for paint (still debating on color layout for him)...

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