Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wet Palettes.. freakin awesome!

So i saw this tip linked in a few places (brushthralls was the first place), and people seemed to be praising wet palettes and they seemed really easy to make.. so what the hell.  I gave it a shot.

Just take a privateer press blister package, cut the foam to fit into the bottom of the "bowl", then fill about 3/4 way full with water (just below the top of the foam).  Cut out a piece of parchment paper to the same size as the foam, get it wet, lay it flat on the foam and that's it... you have a wet palette.  The best part is, the blister is already made to snap shut, so you can seal it up and use it later.  I've had paint on mine for 2 days now, and its still wet and very much usable!

This saves a TON of paint!!  And, it keeps your paints nice and wet so you don't have to worry about rethinning, adding retarder, more water, getting clumps, etc.  You will occasionally have to add more water to keep the parchment sticking to it and damp.  You'll know when you need to add more water cause it will dry up and start curling up on you.  You'll know its too much water if your paint just bleeds everywhere and is unusable.  The picture above was taken after its been sitting for a day.  You can see the corners curling up, but the middle is still damp and the paint is still wet :)

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