Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Infinity game - Yu-Jing vs. Haqqislam

Mike and I got a chance to play Infinity with the full rules did make it a lot more fun than our initial demo game.  Game has so many tactical options and is so balanced with the orders system it really comes down to who has better tactics rather some cheese uber unit/combo that crushes everything.   Everything has multiple counters, so this is a game where you can truely buy the models you like and have them all be viable competitively.

Battle report:

The shared border town of Shaqqfu-Jing suffered a 
devastating explosion today that left part of the town 
in ruins.  Traditional Islamii are being blamed for
the supposed  terrorist act, but rumors have surfaced 
reporting an  unauthorized SILK lab explosion 
causing the blast.  Haqqislamic troops were quickly 
deployed to eliminate the terrorist threat and
capture any "evidence" left behind.

Soon after a firefight erupted between the deployed 
Haqqislam and what appeared to be a Yu-Jing 
task force.  It is unclear what initially prompted the 
conflict, as the relations between the two nations
are generally peaceful in Shaqqfu-Jing.

The Yu-Jing forces systematically gunned down
the HI troops with frightening efficiency.   After the brief 
exchange, the orange army was seen positioned 
about blast's epicenter, rummaging through the 
rubble.   They appeared to leave empty handed.

This leaves one to wonder exactly what went down 
today in Shaqqfu-Jing?  Was this really a terrorist act 
or a governments attempt to shut down an illegal 
SILK lab gone bad?  Or was it a matter of destroying 
tech before it could be recovered by another faction?
You decide... more on this tonight at 10.

I won first turn and was able to secure some advanced defensive positions and lock down some firing lanes right off the bat.  Having 2-3 more orders available also gave me a big early game edge.  This was due to him having an expensive combat drop advance deploy troop (which don't generate any orders until they deploy).  Using these 2 advantages i was quickly popped 2 of his troopers and  widened the Order gap even further, and from there it was a matter of cleanup.  So yeah.. this game wasn't as even matched as our first two games lol.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was surfing the web for other Infinity blogs, and I came across with this.
    I'm a Haqqislam player myself, and my brother plays with a Yu Jing force. We have a blog named Split Sphere here in blogspot, which is mostly about Infinity and things around it. I thought you'd like to check it out!
    Glad to see Haqqislam won those pesky Yu Jingers! :D

